5 Contoh Iklan Produk dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

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5 Contoh Iklan Produk dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru – Di bawah ini ada 5 contoh iklan berbagai produk yaitu minuman, makanan, shampoo, hingga produk elektronik yang dikemas menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat.

Iklan Produk Minuman Berenergi dalam Bahasa Inggris


Are you easy to get tired?
Cannot concentrate well?
Are you easy to get sleepy?

Drink BandrekZonee, a high energy drinks that will make you become more spirit to live you day.
BandrekZonee contains a lot of minerals and electrolytes which is needed by our body to help us doing activities every day.

BandrekZonee is available in a variety of flavors
Citrus, melon, apple, coffee, milk and Strawberry

Drink BandrekZonee Today
Because your luck is in a bottle of BandrekZonee

Iklan Produk Makanan dalam Bahasa Inggris

Mak Ijah’s Fried Rice

We comes with Mak Ijah’s Fried Rice
Feel the sensation of different and tasty fried rice which ever get into your mouth.
The combination of secret ingredients that keep on unrevealing its confidentiality for 10 years that will be dancing in your tongue.

Mak Ijah’s Fried Rice is Available in various levels of spiciness
Starting from level one to level ten

Come and prove yourself the delicacy
At St. Sumpah Pemuda, No. 30 Bandar Lampung
We are open from 18.00 to 24.00 every day

Mak Ijah’s Fried Rice the taste is for bosses but price for employees

Iklan Produk Shampoo dalam Bahasa Inggris

Magic Star Shampoo

Get your hair long, dense, shiny, and smooth in just 4 weeks by using Magic Star Shampoo.
Magic Star Shampoo is a shampoo made from natural and herbal ingredients that is hazelnut and other plants. It smells fragrant, soft and durable in your hair.

The Function of Magic Star Shampoo:

1. To lengthen hair
2. To grow hair
3. To make hair shiny
4. To soften hair
5. To overcome the branched and cracked hair
6. Produce a protective layer for the hair

Magic Star Shampoo made from: Hazelnut, aloe Vera, celery, and other herbal ingredients.

Magic Star Shampoo is safe for men, women, and children. For long-term use, it will result shinny long hair, healthy, not easily broken / loss, not dandruff, oily hair.

Let’s try. If there is Magic Star Shampoo as herbal product, why should you buy a chemically product??

It is available in the House of Peoples Independent Production in the St. Mount Sulah no. 3 Tangerang.

Ordering information

Call:     0822443335566, 0880877855444

Iklan Penawaran Produk Diskon dalam Bahasa Inggris

Bulan Indah Department Store

Bulan Indah Department Store will hold Eid Sale. Get quality and good item with a very large discount.

  • Clothes discount 70%
  • Pants Discount 60%
  • Bags and shoes 75%

Come with your family soon. Limited opportunities

Bulan Indah Department Store at St. Merdeka selamanya No. 32 Bandar Lampung

Iklan Produk Laptop dalam Bahasa Inggris


Are you confused looking for laptops with high quality and affordable prices?
Just Come to SAUDARA KEMBAR COM.  We sell a wide range of laptops with affordable prices.
We provide:

1. Laptop Toshima Tetra 87100

Processor Intel Pentium IV 1.9 GHz, 40 GB hard drive, 326 MB Memory, Modem, Lan, Wifi, DVD, Screen 14 Inch TFT
Only Rp. 5.450.000

2. Dull D786 laptop Pentrio

Pentrino 2.3 Ghz Processor, Memory 32 Gb, 40 Gb Hard Disk, DVD CDRW, WiFi, Modem, LAN, Bluethoot, Disp 13 ” infrared ‘
Free laptop bag. Only Rp. 5.560.000

3. Laptop PH CN3000

12 GHz Pentium M, 5:12 MB Memory, 25 GB Hard Drive, DVD CDRW, Modem + LAN + Wifi +, LCD 15 “TFT
Rp. 6.650.000

Get a warranty for 3 years for the products above

Come to our shop at St. Merdeka Selamanya 45, Complex Bulan Indah department Store.

SAUDARA KEMBAR COM trusts that customer satisfaction is our satisfaction.

Iklan Produk Gadget dalam Bahasa Inggris

Gadget Com

Hi gadget lovers, we are here to offer some products with special price for you. Here we offer hp, MacBook and camera, with special services, free upgrades, and memory. I guarantee you will not be disappointed!!!


1. Redberry     Rp. 3,500.000
2. Samson Cd     Rp. 5.670.000
3. Nobia VZ     Rp. 2.345.000
4. Sondy XXC    Rp. 5.450.000


All items are new and complete
PIN clear without blocking.
Not a refurbish item.
There is no contract with any GSM, in other words still neutral. It could use any GSM.
IMEI / ESN have never been in activation.
Screen protector.
PIN clear without blocking.


Travel Charger
Leather Chase
Data cable
Hand free
Book and CD
Warranty card


On Great Sedayu complex at St. Mangga Two, West Jakarta

Your trust will we desperately need in order to be able to execute transactions smoothly.
The items that we sell are original, new and sealed.

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