7 Arti dari Phrasal Verb “Get Out” dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Get out ternyata artinya tidak melulu “keluar rumah”. Get out mempunyai banyak arti dan berikut ini akan saya coba jelaskan lebih jauh berbagai arti atau makna dari get out.

1. Meninggalkan rumah dan bersosialisasi atau menghabiskan waktu luang bersama teman-teman Anda.

  • Andrew always works in his office and he never gets out.
  • I was bored so I got out from my uncle’s home.
  • I know that you haven’t got out for a very long time.

2. Meninggalkan kendaraan, misalnya keluar dari mobil.

  • I will get out at the end of this street.
  • You should get out or the police will stop us.
  • Can you help me to stop a taxi? I have to get out right here.

3. Melepaskan atau mengeluarkan sesuatu dari tempatnya berada.

  • Get out your suitcase; you need to take a preparation for going to India.
  • If you see my clothes in that box, please get them out.
  • The cake should be got out from the box before my father comes.

4. Menghilangkan kotoran atau sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan, seperti noda.

  • This pizza stain makes my dress so dirty; I must get it out.
  • I can’t get the stain out from my new dress.
  • Before the dirt leaves mark on my shirt, I have to get it out.

5. Meninggalkan sebuah tempat.

  • My family got out soon when they saw the fire started to destroy our home.
  • My cat got out from home when I was working in the office.
  • To avoid the flood, my mom gets out and moves to another city.

6. Digunakan ketika sebuah rahasia atau informasi tersebar sementara orang-orang ingin menjaganya.

  • I don’t know why the information about our meeting gets out.
  • Keep the information and don’t let it getting out.

7. Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kesulitan dalam mengatakan sesuatu

  • I was so exhausted so it was difficult to get out some words.
  • Stop crying! It makes you difficult to get out the words.

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