Contoh Kata Pengantar Sebuah Buku dalam Bahasa Inggris – Apakah Anda sedang mencari sumber untuk membuat sebuah kata pengantar menggunakan bahasa Inggris? Nah, pas sekali. Ini dia contoh kata pengantarnya. 🙂
Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin, Praise is merely to The Mightiest Allah SWT for the gracious mercy and tremendous blessing, I do gratitude for writing me and people surround me in my life. Thanks God for the endless stories in my life.
I would like to acknowledge:
- My parents, my only one sister : Kugy Khairunnisa, and my late brother : Robin Kusuma (you might be reading my book from heaven), for your unspoken yet endless support. You might not say it that you all are proud of what I’ve done as a writer, but I can feel it from the bottom of heart how much you support and love me.
- Siska Prawita as my editor (let’s have a coffee and talk until mid night) for your anthuasiasm welcoming my short stories. They have been waiting for this chance to be united in a beautiful album like this.
- Lala Bohang, the great illustrator, for giving her best in drawing illustrations which accompany each story. It’s a pleasure seeing your interpretation about my stories.
- Lulu Oktavina, for making me move ahead and even quite far from where I used to be. You are the greatest inspiration for my writing.
- The beautiful minds: Adhie Istianto, Tuti Septina, and their little princess, Azalea. Remember, stay young!
- My comrades of Management Department 07 Gajah Mada University : Wawa Lenka, Khaizuran Nabil, Rifat Djausal, Alynda Kusuma, and Helsa Ananda – thanks for running sweet bitter journey together.
- My Prambors family: Zuro Alfath, Humaira Istika, Nadine Kartika, Hastro Wijoyo, Yudi Wirya Setiadi, Ilham Kurnia, Agrie Zain, Naesera Hisaga, never I regret to know you all guys, even after this I know you won’t let me live peacefully – tight schedule for airing on the radio I guess! But let me promote my book. That’s a big deal!
- Kurawa gank : Joshi, Toni, Yuda, Varo, Andi, Prima, Bagus, and Rendra , thanks for being around whenever I get bored when surfing the internet and find you in game online, even playing game quite distubs me in writing times.
- Fabio Al Rafif, my roommate since 2007, please remind me to treat you when I get my first royalty. Then keep my secret becauseit’s you who have my truth card.
- Irmalia Handari, thanks for the nerdy talks. Never a dull moment!
- Mahardika Anggara, my mentor in writing fiction.
- Prita Kurnia Hastuti, your poem is amazing. Thanks for letting me use it for the story.
- Istiana Setya Dewi . Waiting for the next nice chit-chat, a geek one!
- All readers, for having this book on your hand! This is my first short-stories book. Some stories have published in my personal web, and for the rest, trust me I’ve never been published that except in this book for the first time.
- For the places, moments, people which make a splash for each story in this book. I gratitude for being the part of my own story.
Happy Reading. Happy Retelling.
Yogyakarta, 5 Desember 2014
Flynn Redziq