Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Internet Singkat

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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Internet Singkat – Internet merupakan media komunikasi dan penyebaran informasi yang bisa berdampak baik maupun buruk. Berikut, terdapat sebuah contoh pidato bahasa Inggris mengenai dampak atau pengaruh internet bagi remaja.

The Influence of Internet to the Teenagers

Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen.

First of all, let’s praise the Almighty Allah SWT for His gracious mercy and grace, therefore, we gather here in this lovely morning and in this beautiful place. I thank all of you who have come here and given me chance to deliver my speech entitled “The Influence of Internet to Teenager.”

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Internet is very familiar to our ears, especially to the teenagers who always associate with the world of technology which is fancy and practical. We can get the internet anywhere we are, by the cell phone that has the internet connection. The internet is so easily accessible via hp wherever we are, or if it is not, every corner of the city, there is definitely a shop that sells services which is called cyber cafe, the unlimited world of information, that’s how people call it. The access for the internet is very easy as we flip our hands and wink our eyes.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Internet provides so much knowledge and information about everything which we want to find out in this universe, then what relates to the students? Of course, it is closely linked to students because they cannot escape from with those information and science. Internet is the most effective media and easy to reach and access by everyone and everywhere. Although, it cannot be denied that as a result of this freedom, misusing of internet facility could happen as means of criminality or sacrilegious. Students, who newly use the internet, usually use this facility to look for something faddish, such as indecent image, or other peculiar videos which is sacrilegious that can affect their soul and personality, so that the students are affected and disturbed on the process of learning at the school.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

However, not all students do this, only a few of students, who is meddlesome, can do that because they are lack of sense of responsibility over themselves and their surrounding. But, in general, internet is used by students to seek or get the information relating to the subject matter that they receive at school, it makes students more creative and active in finding sources of information and knowledge compared to the students who only sit in front of the table and listen to teachers speaking.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The positive way in using internet can be a good source for them to explore and elevate their knowledge. It can support them in their learning activity. In contrast, it can also be a destroyer for the young generation, for the teenagers who are susceptible toward the change around them and bad things, so that we have to direct them to use it positively.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is also our responsibility as parents, teachers, and people around them to advise and direct the teenagers, our young generation to be wise in using the internet. We have to be care about them.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

That was my speech about the influence of internet to the teenagers. Thank you for your nice attention. See you next time and good bye.

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