Contoh Soal Reading Comprehension & Kunci Jawaban – Membaca atau reading merupakan salah satu keahlian yang harus dikuasai dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Membaca dalam Bahasa Inggris merupakan keahlian yang harus dilatih terus menerus karena kekurangan kosakata akan menghambat seseorang dalam memahami bacaan. Berikut kami sajikan contoh soal Reading Comprehension beserta kunci jawabannya.
Reading Comprehension
(This text is for question number 1)
Line 1 London grew up beside the Thames, being founded at a point where the river could be forded or crossed. Julius Caesar, hoping to conquer Britain, crossed the Thames in 54 B.C., and Danish pirates often entered the river later.
Line 5 centuries. However, when times grew more peaceful, the Thames became a London thoroughfare. State barges carried kings and queens to and from Greenwich Palace and Westminster Palace. Prisoners were also taken in boats to Traitor’s Gate in the Tower of London.
1. It is implied that if London grew up beside the Thames and the Thames became a London thoroughfare, then the Thames is in … .
a. Ireland
b. America
c. England
d. Germany
(This text is for question number 2 – 4)
Line 1 The administration of a college or university provides the governing structure of the institution. Although each institution organizes its administration differently, nearly all colleges and universities have a board of trustees, a
Line 5 president, at least one vice president, deans of various divisions, and a number of academic departments. In addition, state college and university systems are governed by state boards of higher education.
2. The word various in line 5 has a close meaning with … .
a. miscellaneous
b. variety
c. kinds
d. difference
3. Where in the passage does the author mention that state college and university systems are governed by state boards of higher education?
a. Line 1 – 2
b. Lines 2 – 3
c. Lines 4 – 5
d. Lines 6 – 7
4. The word its in Line 3 refers to … .
a. administration
b. institution
c. president
d. divisions
(This text is for question number 5)
Line 1 Rebecca Friedman earned her M. Ed. in Teacher Leadership and Teaching the Adult Learner, and a post-Masters certificate in School Administration and Supervision from Johns Hopkins University’s School of
Line 5 Education. Mrs. Friedman is currently a 5th grade teacher at Ohr Chadash Academy, a 3rd and 4th grade teacher at Beth Am Religious School, and an Adjunct Professor for Baltimore City Community College, all located in Baltimore, Maryland. She has presented Professional
Line 10 Development workshops on using American Sign Language in the classroom at Hopkins, Beth Am, and Ohr Chadash. She has also presented at the Baltimore Conventiom Center on this topic at the annual AIMS and MANSEF conferences during Fall of 2011.
5. What is the purpose of the passage?
a. To introduce Rebecca Friedman
b. To describe John Hopkins University
c. To describe the Baltimore Convention Center
d. To introduce AIMS and MANSEF
1. Jawaban : C
Alasan : Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan tentang negara dari Thames berada. Dlam pertanyaan terdapat dua petunjuk yang diambil dari bacaan tersebut, yaitu London grew up beside the Thames dan the Thames became a London thoroughfare. Maksud dari dua informasi tersebut adalah London bersebelahan dengan Thames dan Thames menjadi sebuah jalan menuju London. Karena London terletak di Inggris, secara otomatis kesimpulan yang dibuat adalah Thames juga berada di Inggris, walaupun bacaan tidak menyebutkan bahwa Thames berada di Inggris.
2. Jawaban : A
Alasan : Kata various merupakan kata sifat (adjective) yang diterjemahkan sebagai bermacam atau berbagai. Untuk itu, kata yang memiliki makna terjemahan terdekat (termirip) dengan kata various adalah miscellaneous. Miscellaeous merupakan kata sifat (adjective) yang bermakna bermacam atau serba-aneka. Sedangkan kata variety merupakan kata benda (noun) yang bermakna macam, kinds juga merupakan kata benda (noun) yang bermakna macam-macam, dan difference merupakan kata benda (noun) yang bermakna perbedaan. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah miscellanous (A).
3. Jawaban : D
Alasan : Kalimat state college and university systems are governed by state boards of higher education berada dalam pernyataan In addition, state college and university systems are governed by state boards of higher education, yaitu pada line 6 – 7.
4. Jawaban : B
Alasan : Kata its terdapat dalam kalimat Although each institution organizes its administration differently, yang berarti its mengacu pada kata institution.
5. Jawaban : A
Alasan : Jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa informasi yang terdapat dalam bacaan, seperti pada bagian awal: Rebecca Friedman earned her M. Ed. in Teacher Leadership and Teaching Adult Learner, and a post-Masters certificate in School Administration and Supervision from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Education. Dari pernyataan ini dapat diketahui bahwa penyebutan sebuah nama tokoh di bagian awal mengindikasikan bahwa paragraf tersebut mendeskripsikan seorang tokoh, yaitu Rebecca Friedman.
Demikianlah contoh soal Reading Comprehension beerta kunci jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat!