Definisi Concessive Clause & Contoh Lengkap

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Definisi Concessive Clause & Contoh Lengkap – Klausa merupakan gabungan beberapa kata yang terkadang memiliki predikat sehingga dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat atau pun tidak memiliki predikat sehingga berfungsi hanya sebagai anak kalimat. Dalam Bahasa Inggris, klausa disebut dengan “Clause”. Clause memiliki beberapa jenis, salah satunya adalah Concessive Clause. Apakah itu Concessive Clause? Berikut adalah definisi Concessive Clause beserta contohnya.


Pengertian Concessive Clause


Concessive Clause is a clause that begins with “even though” or “although” and expresses an idea that suggests the opposite of the main part of the sentence. Concessive Clause merupakan sebuah klausa yang dimulai dengan kata “even though” atau “although” (meskipun) dan mengekspresikan sebuah ide yang memiliki makna lain dengan bagian pertama dari sebuah kalimat.


Perhatikan kalimat berikut:


Although he is quiet, he is not shy. (Meskipun dia pendiam, dia tidak pemalu)


Klausa “Although he is quiet” memiliki makna yang berlawanan dengan klausa yang lain yaitu “he is not shy”.




In spite of” dan “despite” memiliki makna yang hampir sama dengan “although” atau “even though”. Akan tetapi, kedua kata tersebut (in spite of dan despite) tidak memperkenalkan sebuah klausa. Kedua kata tersebut memiliki sintaksis (susunan kata dalam kalimat) yang berbeda. Kedua kata tersebut diikuti oleh kata benda (noun) atau kata kerja yang dibendakan (gerund: verb + ing). Kedua kata tersebut tidak memperkenalkan sebuah klausa (subject + verb).


Although & Even though


Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:


He had enough money. (Dia memiliki cukup uang)

He refused to buy a new car. (Dia menolak untuk membeli sebuah mobil baru)


Kedua kalimat di atas dapat dikombinasikan sebagai berikut:


Although /

Even though

he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.




He refused to buy a new car although /

even though

he had enough money.


Struktur (Structure)


“Although” dan “even though” memperkenalkan Concessive Clause.


Although / even though subject Verb




  • Although it is cold outside, he kept playing snowball with his friends. (Meskipun di luar cuacanya dingin, dia tetap bermain bola salju bersama kawan – kawannya)
  • Even though the students are naughty, the teacher loves them so much. (Meskipun para murid tersebut nakal, guru sangat menyayangi mereka)

Despite & In Spite Of


“despite” dan “in spite of” tidak memperkenalkan sebuah Concessive Clause. Kedua kata tersebut diikuti oleh kata kerja (noun) atau kata benda bentuk V+ing (gerund).


Perhatikan contoh berikut:


He had enough money. (Dia memiliki cukup uang)

He refused to buy a new car. (Dia menolak untuk membeli sebuah mobil baru)


Kedua kalimat di atas dapat dikombinasikan sebagai berikut:



In spite of

all his money he refused to buy a new car
having enough money




He refused to buy a new car despite

in spite of

all his money
having enough money


Struktur (Structure)


Despite / in spite of + a noun
+ verb + ing




  • Despite / in spite of the cold outside, he kept playing snowball with his friends. (Meskipun cuaca dingin di luar, dia tetap bermain bola salju bersama kawan – kawannya)
  • Despite / in spite of being cold, he kept playing snowball with his friends. (Meskipun merasa dingin, dia tetap bermain bola salju bersama kawan – kawannya)




  1. Although, even though + subject + verb (Concessive Clause)
  2. In spite of, despite + noun / verb + ing (Not a Concessive Clause)
  3. Terdapat struktur yang mirip antara:
  • “in spite of”, “despite” dan “although”, “even though”
  • “because of”, “due to”, “owing to”, “thanks to” dan “because”, “since”, “as”, “for” (Expressing cause and effect)


In spite of


+ noun
Because of

Due to

Owing to

Thanks to


Even though

+ verb





Latihan (Exercise)

Choose the right answer!


  1. (Although / in spite of) she is beautiful, everybody hates her.
  2. (Although / in spite of) earning a low salary, Sara helped her parents.
  3. The children slept deeply (although / in spite of) the noise.
  4. Jane did not do well in the exam (although / in spite of) working very hard.
  5. Lexy rarely sees Cody (although / in spite of) they are neighbors.
  6. (Although / in spite of) the difficulty, they managed to solve the math problem.
  7. (Although / in spite of) I was very hungry, I could not eat.
  8. (Although / in spite of) it was cold, Amelia did not put on her coat.
  9. Lisa never talked to him (although / in spite of) she loved him.
  10. (Although / in spite of) the weather was bad, we really had a good time together.


Kunci Jawaban:


  1. Although
  2. In spite of
  3. In spite of
  4. In spite of
  5. Although
  6. In spite of
  7. Although
  8. Although
  9. Although
  10. Although


Demikianlah definisi Concessive Clause beserta contohnya. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat dipahami dengan baik oleh sahabat – sahabat semua. Terima kasih.


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