Apa itu contractions? Sederhananya, contractions adalah singkatan. Kemudian, bagaimana bentuknya? Dan bagaimana cara membentuk singkatan tersebut? Anda bisa menemukan penjelasannya di bawah ini.
1) Contractions yang pertama dibentuk dengan cara mengganti huruf yang hilang menggunakan tanda apostrof. Contohnya:
- Is not: Isn’t
- Cannot: Can’t
- I am: I’m
- He is: He’s
(2) Contraction yang kedua dibentuk dengan mengompres kata. Contohnya:
- Mister: Mr.
- Doctor: Dr.
- Professor: Prof.
Daftar Contractions yang menggunakan apostrof:
Contraction | Original | |
1 | aren't | are not |
2 | can't | cannot |
3 | couldn't | could not |
4 | didn't | did not |
5 | doesn't | does not |
6 | don't | do not |
7 | hadn't | had not |
8 | hasn't | has not |
9 | haven't | have not |
10 | he'd | he had, he would |
11 | he'll | he will, he shall |
12 | he's | he is, he has |
13 | I'd | I had, I would |
14 | I'll | I will, I shall |
15 | I'm | I am |
16 | I've | I have |
17 | isn't | is not |
18 | it's | it is, it has |
19 | let's | let us |
20 | mustn't | must not |
21 | shan't | shall not |
22 | she'd | she had, she would |
23 | she'll | she will, she shall |
24 | she's | she is, she has |
25 | shouldn't | should not |
26 | that's | that is, that has |
27 | there's | there is, there has |
28 | they'd | they had, they would |
29 | they'll | they will, they shall |
30 | they're | they are |
31 | they've | they have |
32 | we'd | we had, we would |
33 | we're | we are |
34 | we've | we have |
35 | weren't | were not |
36 | what'll | what will, what shall |
37 | what're | what are |
38 | what's | what is, what has |
39 | what've | what have |
40 | where's | where is, where has |
41 | who'd | who had, who would |
42 | who'll | who will, who shall |
43 | who're | who are |
44 | who's | who is, who has |
45 | who've | who have |
46 | won't | will not |
47 | wouldn't | would not |
48 | you'd | you had, you would |
49 | you'll | you will, you shall |
50 | you're | you are |
51 | you've | you have |
Sumber: http://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/contractions.html