Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal Possessive Adjectives Lengkap

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Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal Possessive Adjectives Lengkap – Possessive adjectives digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan atas suatu benda. Ketika kita menggunakan possessive adjectives yang mengacu pada orang, maka maknanya lebih mengarah pada hubungan dari pada kepemilikan. Seperti halnya kata sifat lain (adjective) dalam bahasa Inggris, possessive adjective selalu diikuti oleh kata benda = Possessive Adjective + Noun. Berikut ini adalah daftar possessive adjectives dalam bahasa Inggris:

Possessive Adjectives

Subject Possessive Adjective
I My
You (singular) Your
He His
She Her
It Its
We Our
You (plural) Your
They Their

Contoh dalam kalimat:

• My motorcycle is very old.
• His girlfriend is very kind.
• Our home is comfortable.
• Their homework isn’t finished yet.
• His little sisters like dancing very much.
• Let me see your pets.
• My neighbour is so quiet.
• A cat caught its tail.
• A dog fell asleep in its own cage.
• My family routinely come to house at weekend.

Latihan Soal Possessive Adjectives:

I. Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives:

1. Where is (I)…………
2. Here is (we)…………..teacher.
3. She goes to school with (she)………….brother.
4. (They)…………father works in a car factory.
5. (You)…………..laptop is very expensive.
6. (He)…………..favorite hobby is tennis.
7. (I)…………..husband and I want to go to Paris.
8. We want to see (it)……….historical monuments.
9. Leila likes (she)………… !
10. (It)………… is Bobby.

II. Choose the right possessive adjective:

1. Two children didn’t come to………..friend’s birthday party.
a. My
b. Their
c. His
d. Him
e. Them

2. I have a cat.  ……. fur color is black and white. It looks like a cow.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. His
e. our

3. ……mother is so tough. She is the hero of my life.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. His
e. Our

4. Witty comes from Sulawesi island. She and…….family live in Jakarta now.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. His
e. Our

5. Tina and Tini go to school by bus everyday. …………little brother goes to school by train because his school is so far away from the city.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their
e. Our

6. Elene never buy new dress. ……….beautiful dresses are given by her cousins.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their
e. Our

7. They went to an amusement park with ………family and friends. That was a great holiday for them.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their
e. Our

8. My brother likes playing guitar. ……….likes listening to music.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their
e. Our

9. Qiqi and Qiqo are Arabian. ……….family are from England.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their
e. Our

10. Jandy doesn’t know about a birthday surprise that was prepared for……
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their
e. Our

Jawaban Latihan I:

1. My
2. Our
3. Her
4. Their
5. Your
6. His
7. My
8. Its
9. Her
10. Its

Jawaban Latihan II:

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. C