Penjelasan Detail Mengenai Absolute Phrase – Absolute phrase merupakan sekumpulan kata yang memberikan penjelasan tambahan dalam sebuah kalimat. Biasanya, absolute phrase digunakan oleh penulis atau penyair untuk membuat karya mereka menjadi menarik. Absolute phrase bisa diletakkan di awal, tengah, dan akhir dari kalimat utamanya. Apabila kita menghilangkan absolute phrase ini, tata bahasa dari kalimat utama nya tidak akan terganggu. Pemisah absolute phrase dengan kalimat utama nya adalah dengan menggunakan tanda koma atau tanda strip (-).
1. Kalimat utama:
The toddler is crawling on the floor.
Kalimat utama seperti di atas, bisa diberikan penjelasan tambahan dengan absolute phrase hingga menjadi kalimat seperti ini:
The toddler is crawling on the floor, drinking milk, and smiling to her mother.
2. Kalimat utama:
Tisya loves playing guitar.
Kalimat modifikasi dengan absolute phrase:
Tisya loves playing guitar, cooking chicken soup, and planting flowers.
3. Kalimat utama:
His father is very kind.
Kalimat modifikasi dengan absolute phrase:
His father is very kind, he giving money, serving food, and driving for us.
4. Kalimat utama:
The party was so glamour and fully open for everyone.
Kalimat modifikasi dengan absolute phrase:
The party was so glamour and fully open for everyone, some people dancing, singing, and talking to each other.
Ingatlah bahwa absolute phrase tidak menggunakan kata kerja (verb) dan tidak dihubungkan dengan kalimat utamanya menggunakan kata hubung (conjunction). Absolute phrase berisikan sekumpulan kata benda.
Ketika participle dan noun (kata benda) ditaruh bersamaan dengan induk kalimat (independent clause), bentuk frase tersebut juga bisa dikategorikan sebagai absolute phrase.
My brother coming home, I have to cook delicious food for him.
Diana giving birth, I will see her baby next week.
The deadline being closer to an end, Diki tried to work fast.
The bodyguard protecting, we do not need to feel worried.
Yuna playing ball alone, I approach her to accompany.
Leon being busy, Santi helped him.
Apabila terdapat dua kalimat yang berbeda, kita dapat menggabungkan dua klausa tersebut dengan mengubah salah satu klausa menjadi absolute phrases.
1. My cousin and her fiancée are still in the office. We deal with the rest of wedding party preparation.
My cousin and her fiancée being in the office, we deal with the rest of wedding party preparation.
2. I have many ideas for the next performance. My friend asks me to explain it one by one.
Having many ideas for the next performance, my friend asks me to explain it one by one.
Mengubah Absolute Phrase Menjadi Dependent Clause
Kita juga bisa mengubah absolute phrase ke dalam bentuk dependent clause (anak kalimat).
Contoh :
My cousin and her fiancée being in the office bisa diubah menjadi “Because my cousing and her fiancée are in the office…”
Because my cousin and her fiancée are still in the office, we deal with the rest of wedding party preparation.
My brother coming home bisa diubah menjadi “When my brother comes home…’
When my brother comes home, I have to cook delicious food for him.
The deadline being closer to an end bisa diubah menjadi “Because the deadline was closer to an end…”
Because the deadline was closer to an end, Diki tried to work fast.